Missionary/Wedding Planner
So, I have been in India for almost two weeks now and, so far, it has beenan amazing trip! Right now we are in Tirupattur and we have been doing alot of village ministry. That usually consists of a couple of dances orskits, a preaching of the gospel message and lots of prayer. I preached thegospel to a crowd of about 200 one night! God has been so faithful to workthrough our group and many have accepted Christ.
Aside from ice-cold bucket “showers”, our accommodations have actually beenan upgrade from Island Breeze. There are crazy monkeys everywhere - theybroke into our room yesterday and stole our bananas and chocolate. I stillthink they are adorable, but the other girls are kinda freaked out. Thefood is amazing!
Everything is an adventure. Just walking an hour and a half, dodgingpeople, cars, rickshaws, bicycles, motorcycles, cows, chickens and poop touse the internet is a journey in itself. I am pretty used to the blaringhorns by now, but every now and then one is really loud and I scream forfear of being run over. The people all know us (you can’t miss the onlywhite people in town) and have been so kind.
Our team leaves for Rayakatta (sp?) on Wednesday and then we go up to Goa inFebruary. We will return to Australia on February 25th and I will be backin the States on March 5th! Please keep my India team in your prayers! Iwill try to keep you posted as often as possible, but don’t expect to haveinternet access again until Goa.
Planning a wedding from India isn’t exactly ideal, but it’s a goodconversation topic for our down time. The other day 2 Samuel 24:24 was agreat encouragement for me. It says something about not sacrificing to Godunless it actually costs something. Jason and I have been so blessed totalk often. The date is set for June 25th in Mount Pleasant. YEAH! Wewould greatly appreciate your prayers and encouragement during this last twomonths apart – wait, just 57 days. J