My Best Friend
Do you remember how when you were younger, you could only have one best friend at a time? You said things like, "If you do this, I'll be your best friend." There were BFF heart necklaces that broke in half and each friend got a piece. Luckily, as I have grown older and wiser, I realized that I can have as many "best friends" as I want. They each hold a special place in my heart and always will. Since they have been such blessings in my life, I am going to highlight some of my best friends in my upcoming posts. Who is your best friend?
Above all, Jason Surratt is the best friend I have ever had. He loves God and wants to spend his life serving him. He loves missions. He is constantly supporting and encouraging me. He makes me laugh. He always calls. He listens when I need to vent. He takes care of me in the sweetest ways. When I had surgery on my leg, he took off work, stayed with me at the hospital all day long, then proceeded to deal with my sickness and pain for a couple of days. He even made a schedule of all the medicines I was supposed to take. He brings/sends me flowers. Sometimes, he tucks me in (and even tells me an occasional story). He is patient while I shop and even helps me pick things out. He drives an hour to have lunch with me (nevermind that he gets to play free golf after lunch). He calls me sweet names like pookie lou and faucet. He makes an effort to know my friends and family. He prays for me and he prays with me. He swings with me - even though swings make him sick. He is the most incredible and versitile athlete I know. Because of him, I can consider myself a surfer, tennis player and softball player. When we play softball, he always catches the ball when the other team hits it to left field - I can trust him out there almost as much as I trust Jesus. He works out with me even when he doesn't want to. He doesn't mind taking lots of pictures. He writes me notes and cards. He gives me back rubs when I am sore. He tells me I'm pretty when I feel like I'm not. He is so much fun on road trips and plane trips and boat trips. He is competitive. He is generous. He works so hard at all he does. He is an amazing leader and teacher. He is a wonderful co-leader in our small group. He thinks of me before making plans. He doesn't get upset when I cry because he appreciates my compassion. He is patient. He writes me e-mails that brighten my day even though he would prefer to just talk on the phone. He dances with me (even though neither of us can dance). He surprises me. He loves that I am a little wierd. He is thoughtful. He holds my hand at the most opportune and needed moments. Though he isn't always very serious, he always knows just the right thing to say to make me feel better, more secure and loved. He has an incredible family. Sometimes, he calls me in the morning on my long drive into work just to help me pass the time. He sings with me in the car. He will eat another brownie or get ice cream or order dessert if I want it, just to make me feel better. He knows what I drink at Starbucks (it's pretty complicated). He likes the opera and Broadway shows. He tells me when I have something in my teeth. He plays with my hair. He tells me when I need to adjust my attitude (in the nicest way). He cares about my opinion. He doesn't boast too much when he wins in Nerts. He dresses up with me. He stops to let me use the restroom when we are on road trips (unless we are late for a softball game). He is trying to get me to eat meat (once, he tried to tell me that pepperoni wasn't meat), just so we can better enjoy meals together and he doesn't want me to have to cook different food every time we eat (so badly that he even asked me to pray about it - I am humoring him). He thinks he is always right, but I never say I told you so when he is wrong (Saturday night, we had plenty of rain gear for the JT concert. Jason said it wasn't going to rain so we left it in the car. It POURED for almost the entire concert). In short, he loves me like I never imagined I could be loved. Who could ask for a better friend?
*Please note: To all of the men out there - though, in my opinion, it will never be possible to meet Jason's match, you should observe and try to replicate his behavior and qualities. You will make all of the ladies out there a lot happier. Ladies - back off, he's taken.
Originally posted August 1, 2005
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JENNA! i am in tears! This is the most beautiful thing I have read in a very long time and I couldn't be happier for you! You asked me for long distance relationship advice and honestly honey, you don't need any. Yall are going to be just fine! At first I am sure it will be hard without him with you, but soon the time will start to fly by and you'll be with him before you know it (I can't believe Jay is going to be here Monday). I am so glad that Jason makes you so happy and is such a best friend to you. Anything less would be unacceptable and I know you wouldn't settle for less-especially now. Cheers to a great blog and hats off to wonderful boyfriends who make perfect best friends! I love you honey!
So I found your blog because we're both fans of Todd Fields, and to ask the question that begs to be asked is, "When is he going to make an honest woman out of you?" There's nothing I can recommend more highly than marriage... well, maybe having kids (but first things first), and then there's that personal relationship with Jesus, but you've got that part covered.
I LOVE THAT YOU LOVE HIM! It really warms my heart to know that Jason finally has someone who treats him like the prince he is and allows him treat you like a princess that you are. What a glorious opportunity to glorify God in your relationship. We're praying for you, and know that God is going to bless your obedience and purity!
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